The Demise of AWSNA Woke Waldorf Schools

by Dr. Douglas Gabriel

Master Waldorf Teacher Trainer

In this article we will address the following moral concerns about AWSNA (Association of Waldorf Schools of North America) accredited Waldorf schools:

AWSNA’s Innovating for the Next 100 Years – Strategic Priorities – 2019-2024 is racist, sexist, anti-Steiner, discriminatory and is virtue signaling the “woke”(cultural Marxism) agenda

AWSNA has divorced itself from Rudolf Steiner’s teachings and tells lies about him and misrepresents his teachings in their public literature

AWSNA’s “reimagined” Waldorf schools are almost devoid of teachers studying Steiner and thus are not Waldorf schools

AWSNA schools have excluded the spirit of Steiner’s Waldorf education philosophy

AWSNA is prejudice against and discriminates against “white people”

AWSNA’s “woke” DEI policy is double-speak for Critical Race Theory (CRT) wedded to Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) policies and prejudices

The Demise of AWSNA Woke Waldorf Schools

A recent visit to the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America’s website deeply disturbed me as I read their “Statement of Equity and Racial Justice” and found out about their commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). They publish this statement:

“The Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA) recognizes the historic and ongoing impact of racism on our continent and the injustice and discrimination faced by Black, Brown, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC).”

Obviously, AWSNA does not understand that to take up the banner of numerous small minorities over the majority is racism, or discrimination and prejudice. This statement is the opposite of advertised DEI ideology and places specific minorities above Asians, Hispanics, Europeans, Caucasians, Whites, American Indians, Alaskan Natives, Native Hawaiians, and others. By definition, choosing “Black, Brown, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC)” specifically to promote over other groups of people is straightforward racism and defies claims of diversity by choosing a preferred, select group over another. DEI defies “Equity” by preferring a select group (BIPOC) over other groups, and it defies “Inclusion” by excluding other races and peoples.

DEI should demand fair and equal treatment for all people “without regard” to one group or the other no matter the race, color, or creed – just as most Waldorf mission statements proclaim. DEI is, by definition, the opposite of what it claims to be. DEI is racist, sexist, discriminatory, and prejudice against races other than the selected elite. DEI has no place in a true Waldorf school that upholds Steiner’s pedagogical ideas which recognize the inclusion of all peoples, cultures, and beliefs throughout the curriculum, school enrollment qualification, staff hiring, and school environment and community. Dr. Steiner designed the Waldorf school to be universal.

If AWSNA’s policy on “race, ancestry, and gender” is followed, then the DEI focus on “Black, Brown, Indigenous and People of Color” is discrimination against all other “races” or groups. Perhaps the Executive Team of AWSNA that is responsible for these policies and strategies do not know what their own words “without regard”, found in their policy manuals, actually means. If one or another group is focused on over others, that is discrimination. From the AWSNA website we can read the policies that are endorsed and expected of all AWSNA accredited Waldorf schools:

“AWSNA is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity without regard to race, color, religious creed, ancestry, age, gender, marital status, national origin, disability or handicap, protected genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation or any other factor protected by law.”

Obviously, someone working for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Critical Race Theory infiltrated AWSNA and dumbed-down their intelligence to ignore the fact that ESG and CRT are brain-washing ideologies that ignore logic and common sense. The recent American response to ESG corporations promoting “woke” CRT and LGBT+ ideologies, which are all statistically small minorities, should have demonstrated to the AWSNA accredited Waldorf schools that the majority of Americans stand against the tyrannical enforcement of small minorities controlling social policies and standards with interactions including violence, aggression, and unreasonable demands.

BLM and Antifa are similar in their demands of aggressively restructuring societal mores and are the “woke-side” of political action for DEI. The new fad of pronoun confusion has been shown to be unenforceable and impractical in the courts. This “magical thinking” of the LGBT+, DEI, CRT, ESG, BLM, and Antifa communities attempt to dominate social narratives that will not prevail due to common sense and logic. Essentially, these ideological sub-sets of human behavior are “playing god” and demand a higher level of consideration as a “protected” minority than regular citizens deserve. Identifying as something you are not, should not be “protected” by other people who actually live in reality, instead of the “magical thinking” world of “safe spaces.” If minority groups demand to try and change societal mores, then it follows that pedophiles and murderers can also demand new laws be created to service their personal desires and actions also. Those ultimate outcomes would logically be expected, and we see some of them already happening in the world around us. We are currently witnessing such deviations from morality in our courts and throughout law enforcement and especially in Washington D. C. Only anarchy can allow all divergent interests to claim dominance in the structure of society, and anarchy never seems to work out.

I can only assume that AWSNA has forgotten that all races, tribes, and nations have been slaves at one time or another. America is not inherently racist towards any “race.” In fact, our history proves the opposite. It was the British, Dutch, and African slave-traders who brought slavery to our shores where native American Indians had already institutionalized slavery among the different tribes. The families of Irish, English, and European slaves in America are a minority that is excluded from DEI – thus abnegating the ideology of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion while revealing a false narrative. American “whites” did not invent slavery and Waldorf is not a “white-centric” education system. Nothing could be further from the truth than these “woke” lies, misinformation, and false history.

Rudolf Steiner was not a racist and his words prove it:

GA 54. The Riddles of the World and Anthroposophy – Fundamentals of Theosophy: The Human Race:“Each one of us goes through the most different levels of the races, and this passage just signifies a further development of the single soul. Someone who appears as a member of the European race today went through other races in former times and will go through others than ours later.”

GA 104a. Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse – Part I. Lecture III: All that is connected with this idea of race is still the remains of the epoch preceding our own, namely, the Atlantean. We are now living in the age of cultural epochs. Atlantis was the age in which seven great races developed one after another. Of course, the fruits of this race development extend into our epoch, and for this reason races are still spoken of today, but they are really mixtures and are quite unlike those distinct races of the Atlantean epoch. Today the idea of civilization has already superseded the idea of race.”

GA 104. The Apocalypse of St. John – Lecture IV: “You might now be inclined to say: Is it not an extremely bitter thought that whole bodies of peoples remain immature and do not develop their capacities; that only a small group becomes capable of providing the germ for the next civilization? This thought will no longer disquiet you if you distinguish between race-development and individual soul-development, for no soul is condemned to remain in one particular race. The race may fall behind; the community of people may remain backward, but the souls progress beyond the several races.”

GA 117. The Universal Human – Individuality and the Group-Soul: “The races we distinguish today are merely vestiges of these significant differences between human beings in ancient Atlantis. The concept of race is only fully applicable to Atlantis. Because we are dealing with the real evolution of humanity, we have therefore never used this concept of race in its original meaning. Thus, we do not speak of an Indian race, a Persian race, and so on, because it is no longer true or proper to do so. Instead, we speak of an Indian, a Persian, and other periods of civilization. And it would make no sense at all to say that in our time a sixth “race” is being prepared.”

GA 99. Theosophy of the Rosicrucians – The Future of Man: Just as older conditions which have degenerated to the ape species seem grotesque to us today, so do materialistic races remain at the standpoint of evil, and will people the earth as evil races. It will lie entirely with humanity as to whether a soul will remain in the bad race or will ascend by spiritual culture to a good race.”

GA 117. The Ego – Group-Soulness and Ego-hood: But one must get beyond the illnesses of childhood, and be clear that the idea of race ceases to have any meaning, especially in our age.”

GA 11. Cosmic Memory – The Life of Earth: “But already at the end of our fifth era, the word “race” will again lose all sense. In future, mankind will be divided into parts which it will be impossible to designate as “races.”

GA 121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls – Manifestation of the Hierarchies in the Elements of Nature: “For however deeply one may be involved emotionally in a particular people or race, as Anthroposophists we have an adequate counterpoise in the teaching of karma and reincarnation, when rightly understood. This teaching opens a vista into the future and reveals that our integral Self is incarnated in successive ages in different races and peoples. When we contemplate the destiny of our integral self, we may be sure that we shall share not only the positive or perhaps also the negative aspects of all races and peoples; but we may be sure that in our inmost being we shall also receive the countless blessings of all races and all peoples since we are incarnated in different races at different times.”

GA 121. The Mission of Folk-Souls – Lecture Five: “It gives us the outlook that, with the inmost kernel of our being, we shall be reincarnated in successive ages in many different races and peoples. We may therefore be sure, when we contemplate this kernel of our being, that we shall take part with it, not only in the sunny or perhaps also in the shadow-side of all races and peoples, but we may be sure that in our inmost being we shall receive share after share of the blessings of all races and peoples through being incarnated first in one place and then in another.”

GA 165. The Universal Human: Therefore, in its fundamental nature, the anthroposophical movement, which is to prepare the sixth period, must cast aside the division into races. It must seek to unite people of all races and nations, and to bridge the divisions and differences between various groups of people. The old point of view of race has a physical character, but what will prevail in the future will have a more spiritual character. That is why it is absolutely essential to understand that our anthroposophical movement is a spiritual one. It looks to the spirit and overcomes the effects of physical differences through the force of being a spiritual movement.”

Sex and gender preferences are not a racial issue. So, why does LGBT+ ideology get thrown into the mix with DEI in AWSNA accredited schools? AWSNA, and many accredited Waldorf schools, fly rainbow flags and post signs that support BLM and Antifa assuming that these tiny minorities are a legally protected class. Two of these groups have been repeatedly defined as domestic terrorists. Social anarchy invites fascist groups to dominate a organizations that subscribe to DEI, ESG, CRT, and other such “castles in the air” movements. These movements have no sound basis as an ideology, and please remember that most ungrounded ideologies eventually devolve into socialism, fascism, dictatorships, communism, and oligarchies. When elite minorities seize power through aggression, often morality is lost in the process.

I have been hearing about the exodus of Waldorf teachers, who actually study Rudolf Steiner, from AWSNA Waldorf schools for a number of years because many Waldorf schools have adopted unfounded ideologies instead of staying true to Steiner’s indications. Now I know why. No Waldorf teacher conversant with Steiner’s Anthroposophic ideas could ever say Steiner was a racist or that he made remarks that a Waldorf school should distance themselves from. Faithful students of Dr. Steiner should demonstrate that these accusations are baseless lies by using Steiner’s own words to prove otherwise. But that is not what is happening. Just look at this anti-Steiner remark made by AWSNA, the group leading accredited Waldorf schools in America:

“Yet, he [Rudolf Steiner] also made statements that reflect harmful assertions regarding race and ethnicity. Racism, explicit or implicit, stands in direct conflict to the fundamental principles of Waldorf education. We commit to working to address any dehumanizing or disparaging aspects of our history and practices.”

First, this statement is a lie. Steiner never made “harmful assertions” about race and ethnicity. Only by taking Steiner’s remarks out of context could a person arrive at such nonsense. Waldorf schools should be defending Steiner’s remarks. Whoever wrote these accusations is illogical and misguided and has defamed Rudolf Steiner’s good name. Steiner created the fundamental principles of Waldorf education, so he can’t possibly be “in conflict” with his own teachings. This statement is tantamount to divorcing Rudolf Steiner from the AWSNA accredited Waldorf schools that promote these false accusations. Plus, there were never any indications from Steiner on Waldorf education that were “dehumanizing or disparaging aspects of our history and practices.” This is a disgusting accusation that is false. What this statement clearly does is divorce Rudolf Steiner from the AWSNA accredited Waldorf schools. AWSNA, and member schools, are misrepresenting Waldorf education and disparaging its creator. Their collective integrity is net zero and they should speak the truth about their anti-Steiner agenda to the public.

I believe that AWSNA, and the accredited Waldorf schools, need to divorce themselves from Steiner because they have developed false ideologies through DEI in contradistinction to the worldwide Waldorf school movement as created and developed by Rudolf Steiner. AWSNA, and their Executive Team who approved this statement on the AWSNA site, should start their own school movement and never again use the Waldorf trademark nor make reference to Rudolf Steiner’s curriculum and his educational insights, if they had integrity and believed their own policies. Any Waldorf school that adheres to these racist and discriminatory policies should also divorce themselves from pretending to be a Waldorf-inspired school.

All AWSNA accredited Waldorf schools must have their DEI programs, curricula, and proof of compliance in place and monitored to continue to be an AWSNA accredited Waldorf school, according to the documents on their website. True Waldorf schools are supposed to be independent and protect your child from the evils of society, including spurious medical procedures like vaccinations. Unfortunately, many AWSNA accredited Waldorf schools followed AWSNA’s advice and mandated masks, shots, and even built outdoor schoolrooms to comply with WHO, CDC, and NIH recommendations, which have since been found to be inaccurate and harmful. I have also recently found that AWSNA accredited Waldorf schools not only comply with DEI but often hire LGBT+ teachers and assistants throughout the school and are quite proud of doing so. This trend will become stronger as the comprehensive enforcement of AWSNA’s document, Innovating for the Next 100 Years – Strategic Priorities 2019-2024  Updated February 2021 continues.


This AWSNA document cited above clearly states:

B. Engage an outside organization to conduct a climate, inclusion, and equity survey of parents, teachers, staff members, and middle/upper grades students in representative schools.

C. Support school DEI committees by providing networking opportunities that encourage exchange of practices that support school transformation.

D. Utilize the member approved Commitment to DEI as the basis for a voluntary DEI criteria for self-study/accreditation in order to strengthen an association-wide commitment to racial justice.

To translate this into reality we could simply say that DEI is the most important strategy in an accredited Waldorf school and AWSNA demands proof that the accredited school is doing enough to comply with this strategy. This lack-of-diversity, lack-of-equity strategy and its implementation has turned into “woke” Critical Race Theory and racial quotas which are a form of reverse discrimination and are technically illegal and certainly immoral. Waldorf schools have been sued before and these DEI strategies could get them sued again. We can find this DEI strategy described in the document under:

NEW Objective 4:

  1. Expand our knowledge and understanding of the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) in Waldorf schools and institutes so that we can better understand what changes are needed and take actions to address those needs.
  2. Expand BIPOC representation in AWSNA’s board, staff, and leadership council with the understanding that education is fundamental to change.

In my opinion, the total divorce from Dr. Steiner and his Waldorf curriculum is completed with the baseless lie that “…Rudolf Steiner’s indications and educational ideas that have manifested as white-centric pedagogy…” as stated in:

Objective 3:

  1. Reimagine Waldorf pedagogy by hosting monthly webinars that examine both Rudolf Steiner’s indications and educational ideas that have manifested as white-centric pedagogy, with the goal of supporting pedagogical innovation for racial justice.

If AWSNA accredited Waldorf schools wish to “reimagine” the Waldorf pedagogy, then it is not Waldorf any more in its new and “reimagined” form. Steiner’s curriculum is already the most culturally inclusive that is found anywhere, and it doesn’t need “reimagining” if the cultural diversity and inclusion already included in the curriculum is properly taught. To call Waldorf schools “white-centric” is simply an insult flung by people who obviously have not studied the curriculum, Anthroposophy, or noticed the many schools throughout the world serving people of all races, nations, colors, and beliefs. The references to “race” in this AWSNA document remind me of the vehement attacks of Peter Staudenmaier who demonstrated in debates with myself and others that he does not know the meaning of Steiner’s terms referring to: “race”, “sub-race”, “root-race”, “nation”, “epoch”, “sub-epoch”, “cultural epoch”, “age of civilization”, or many other crucial terms Steiner used to describe the subsequent nature and effect of Atlantean “races.” Steiner told his students to not use the term “race” because it is so little understood. When Steiner used the word “race”, the reader must apply an appropriate definition that is consistent with the context in which it was said to understand the meaning. The word “race” for Steiner only applied to the races of Atlantis, not races of modern times. We have already provided Steiner’s own words to demonstrate this reality in the quotations above.

Racism and sexism are defined by the time-period in history and the culture that is being referred to in the accusation. Modern “woke” agitators express DEI through virtue signaling instead of clear, logical understanding and communication. America still has the most freedom of any country on Earth and offers liberties not found elsewhere, including many laws combating racism, sexism, and discrimination. Waldorf schools used to be bastions of freedom where children of all types were welcome and protected from these “isms.” To my knowledge, no “Black, Brown, Indigenous or Person of Color (BIPOC)” who could pay the tuition has ever been turned away from an American Waldorf school. Previously, most American Waldorf schools have been “color blind” to paying customers because they needed the enrollment to bolster the budget. No one was turned away in the schools I worked in. Many Waldorf schools have encouraged and worked with families of all colors in terms of scholarship possibilities and financial assistance. I personally wrote many grants to gain funds for free scholarships for African American students whose families could not pay anything for tuition costs. Diversity was a way of life in the schools I taught and directed.

Waldorf schools, as “bastions of freedom”, have traditionally been one of the few schools to accept vaccine waivers due to philosophical or religious exemption. This is a sacred right of parents to protect their child’s health. In most AWSNA accredited Waldorf school’s Mission Statements is found a commitment to student health and well-being. This mission of health and well-being should be a solemn duty of every Waldorf school. Unfortunately, AWSNA accredited Waldorf schools across America have been brain-washed into thinking all vaccines are good for children at any age, even though research demonstrates the opposite. Many Waldorf schools have taken a stricter approach to vaccines than even the State and Federal requirements and recommendations prescribe. These actions fly in the face of Steiner’s indications concerning vaccines and their effects on children. Just like the issue of Steiner being called a racist, sexist, anti-Semitic Nazi, Dr. Steiner is also accused of promoting and suggesting vaccines for children through literature created by Anthroposophic doctors who advise Waldorf schools. This too is untrue.

In Steiner’s day, vaccines did not have reduced graphene oxide, polyethylene glycol, aluminum phosphate, and many other toxics and poisons in the injections. But even still, Steiner was clearly against vaccines and warned of their harmful effects, especially upon children. He even pointed at the nefarious doctors in the future who would create vaccines that would harm a child’s ability to develop spiritual qualities in their soul and spirit. Vaccines create spiritual devolution and sever the child from the spiritual world while poisoning them and causing illnesses even into adulthood. He also said an injection would be found by these materialistic doctors that would turn children into “clever adults” right after birth. All these horrors are happening now, and schools should be the first to speak up and protect the children in their care.

Rudolf Steiner could not have been any clearer about the evil nature and use of vaccines. Any Waldorf teacher, parent, or administrator that can’t understand the clear indications of Dr. Steiner may be brain-washed by the pharmaceutical and governmental propaganda narratives that are filled with lies. Steiner pointed out that in our time, lies would rule the world. Those lies are embedded in the myths and falsehoods concerning vaccine safety and effectiveness promoted by materialistic science and fake-doctors who harm not heal. Any honest researcher will easily find the truth of vaccine adverse effects and the poisonous results of vaccines. Vaccines are not what they are advertised to be. Steiner knew this even in his day and warned about the nefarious intentions of the medical industry to harm vaccine recipients. The following quotations demonstrate Steiner’s position on vaccines in general.

GA 348. Health and Illness II, Lecture VI, Diphtheria and Influenza – Crossed Eyes, January 20, 1922, Dornach: “Treatment with modified virus vaccine is effective in the case of diphtheria, because the body is thus given a strong impulse to become active, but it has unfavorable aftereffects. Particularly if a child is treated with vaccine, it will later suffer a hardening of its organization. One therefore must strive actually to replace treatment with vaccine with that of bathing, especially in the case of diphtheria, which is based primarily on the defective activity of the skin. Sufficient rosemary must be added to the water, however, so that the patient constantly smells it during the bath. The activity of the skin is stimulated, and the patient will improve without being treated with vaccine. It really depends upon being able to arouse in the right way with the remedies the patient’s own bodily resistance.”

GA 177. The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness, Lecture V, Changes in Humanity’s Spiritual Make-up, October 7, 1917, Dornach: “The time will come – and it may not be far off – when quite different tendencies will come up at a congress like the one held in 1912 and people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. People who think like that will be considered to be sick and – you can be quite sure of it – a medicine will be found for this. At Constantinople the spirit was made non-existent. The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view’, people will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and a spirit.

The two philosophies of life will be in complete opposition. One movement will need to reflect how concepts and ideas may be developed to meet the reality of soul and spirit. The others, the heirs of modern materialism, will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy’, that is, makes its constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos. Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.

GA 177. The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness, Lecture XIII, The Fallen Spirits’ Influence in the World, October 27, 1917, Dornach: “I have pointed out that while human bodies will develop in such a way that certain spiritualities can find room in them, the materialistic bent, which will spread more and more under the guidance of the spirits of darkness, will work against this and combat it by physical means. I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life – ‘foolish’ here, of course, in the eyes of materialists.


There are many alternatives to attending an American AWSNA accredited Waldorf school that mandates masks, vaccines, and DEI compliance while also actively divorcing Steiner’s ideas from their “reimagined” school philosophy and curriculum. Homeschooling has increased tenfold in the last few years and Waldorf support groups, and Waldorf teacher training courses, are found online in abundance. Of course, online Waldorf training should be an oxymoron, yet they abound.

You can also sign your child up for online Waldorf-inspired schools that might do less harm than masking and vaccinating your child, seeing that Steiner said Waldorf education is a “training of the breath” for children. I have catalogued 54 studies that show that masks harm, they do not help. I have not found a single study that concluded that masks help protect anyone, including doctors in an operating room. The very basic question of breathing, let alone the student’s development of free-thinking, is squelched as children walk through the door of most AWSNA accredited Waldorf schools wearing masks. That is of course, if the children aren’t in the hospital due to vaccine adverse reactions because of the school’s policy of full vaccinations for spurious “viruses.”

Another alternative approach for Waldorf-minded parents is to find an “intentional community” whose values coincide with yours. I know of numerous communities centered around a Waldorf-styled school that are wise enough to know what helps and what harms children. These small schools, often in a person’s home, also promote other healthy lifestyles that often include biodynamic gardening, land stewardship, and a truly non-discriminatory approach to a diverse community that fosters “belonging.” Many people I know have started their own home-school for their children that burgeoned into a much larger operation. I created a small school on my own property in Hawaii and many other children joined. The possibilities are endless, and these independent schools are springing up everywhere as the new alternative embracing freedom, health and well-being, and love of all people.

After forty years of being a Waldorf teacher, principal, headmaster, superintendent, and owner of a Waldorf-inspired school, I must now consciously sever my connection to AWSNA accredited Waldorf schools. I have raised more money for Waldorf schools in America, and Waldorf curriculum books, than any person I know. I have also taught at and raised money for all four teacher training programs in America. But now, due to the issues sited above, I consciously must divorce myself from AWSNA’s “form of Waldorf” education in America. As an international consultant to Waldorf schools and Anthroposophic groups, I can tell you that Europe has yet to go the way of “woke” American Waldorf schools. There is still some hope left in other countries that haven’t divorced themselves from Rudolf Steiner, even though Dornach has done little to defend the racist, anti-Semitic, sexist, and Nazi accusations flung at Dr. Steiner. Here in America, we need to stand up independently for the truth of Steiner’s teachings and raise the banner to fight for our children’s health and the right to develop their own ideas about becoming a global citizen and a free-thinking individual who is encouraged to love all people.

Clear solutions to AWSNA’s problems may be difficult, but some steps that would re-establish integrity concerning DEI and the divorce of Steiner from AWSNA accredited Waldorf schools could be:

Stand up and complain to AWSNA that their suggested policies for member accredited schools are harmful to children and Waldorf school communities

Fire the AWSNA executive team that promoted DEI discriminatory policies

Find a homeschool, or start a cooperative school based on Steiner’s pedagogical ideasSeek other Waldorf-inspired schools that do not belong to AWSNA

Train online to be a Waldorf teacher and start a school in your home

Sue AWSNA and their accredited schools for discrimination against “white-people

Defend Steiner through deep research into questions of race, sex, and social mores

Demand that your school allow exemptions for all vaccines (if your State permits)

About the author: Douglas Gabriel has a double BA in Anthroposophical Studies and British History and a double MA in Waldorf Education and Public School Administration through the University of Detroit/Mercy, a BA and MA in religious formation, a PhD in Philosophy and a PhD in Comparative Religions, a Doctor of Divinity, and is certified K-12, and certified as a Michigan School Administrator and Waldorf School Administrator through Wayne State University and the Waldorf Institute of Mercy College. He is a retired Waldorf teacher and teacher trainer of forty years who has taught at four American Waldorf teacher training institutes and has raised millions of dollars for Waldorf schools and the publishing of hundreds of Waldorf curriculum books, including the Foundations of Waldorf Education series, funded by the Waldorf Educational Foundation that he founded.

He was a long-standing member of the Pedagogical Section, the college of teachers, and was a founding member of the AWSNA business management group. He has written four books on Waldorf education (among his 25 books), 150 professional articles, and made hundreds of podcasts on Steiner’s teachings and Waldorf education. His books, The Spirit of Childhood, The Eternal Curriculum, Intuitive Learning, and The Eternal Ethers are found at: His articles and podcasts are found at: Dr. Gabriel has been a consultant to Waldorf schools worldwide for decades and has helped found numerous Waldorf schools. He is married to Dr. Tyla Gabriel, the author of The Gospel of Sophia trilogy.

Notes from Tyla Gabriel:

Woketards are destroying classic Waldorf education. They are pushing the agenda of the World Economic Forum of Klaus Schwab and not Rudolf Steiner’s Waldorf education. Also notice that the executive team are all women and white, yet openly discriminating against white parents and children. For this reason and others, we encourage all parents to remove their children from AWSNA accredited schools. Demand a full refund of tuition if these policies were sneaked into your Waldorf school’s program without your informed consent.

These woke teachers, administrators, and AWSNA are pushing the agenda of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum. Parents are literally paying for satanic indoctrination of their children.

If you do not know who this is, read our research:


The page that describes AWSNA’s ‘Klaus Schwab/WEF’ adherents is here:

Notice their educational backgrounds in colleges and universities that are known for educating WEF missionaries, like Columbia College, Purdue, and the University of Michigan. I wonder how many of these Waldorf WOKETARDS are some of Schwabs “Global Young Leaders” or “Global Shapers.” Parents, have you researched their backgrounds?

Make sure to ask the woketards how much money they have accepted from the WEF, the UN, or any of their related affiliates that push this trans/anti human social engineering on children in schools everywhere that their satanic operatives can infiltrate.

If your children are attending Waldorf schools, accredited by AWSNA or not, make sure to identify anyone on the board of directors and teachers who are Klaus Schwab/WEF adherents. Then call them out publicly. Also be vigilant for teachers and administrators who are cross dressers, trans, pedophiles, and/or sexual deviants.

The Waldorf WOKETARDS post on their page:

Statement of Equity and Racial Justice

The Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA) recognizes the historic and ongoing impact of racism on our continent and the injustice and discrimination faced by Black, Brown, Indigenous and People of Color. We understand that racial justice in education is a journey of both moral and educational imperative. As such, we take seriously our responsibility to bear witness to what is happening in the world, to center the voices of color in justice work, and to change the course of inequities by identifying and breaking down structural racism in all forms within Waldorf education. 

We acknowledge that Rudolf Steiner, founder of Waldorf education (1919), offered many profound insights that support the value and dignity of each human being and form the foundation of our organization’s histories and worldview. Yet, he also made statements that reflect harmful assertions regarding race and ethnicity. Racism, explicit or implicit, stands in direct conflict to the fundamental principles of Waldorf education. We commit to working to address any dehumanizing or disparaging aspects of our history and practices.

Advancing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is one of the compelling forces behind AWSNA’s strategic priorities. These priorities are central to our work and aim to bring us closer to the world that we want for our youth.

We know that we have far to go as an association and as individuals in our understanding of racial oppression and social justice.  Please join us by elevating your own commitment to social renewal and transformation. 

As a member of the Council for Anthroposophical Organizations (CAO) AWSNA shares in a joint Commitment to Racial Justice, Equity, and Social Transformation.

Are woketards at your school, whether Waldorf, public, or private, requiring nasty face diapers on your children?

Unreported Damages to School Children from Face Mask Use During COVID-19

Are Waldorf woketards indoctrinating your children under the banner of “Waldorf Education”? Get them out of these satanic cess pools before your girls come home wanting to be boys and your boys think being white is evil.

All of Dr. Gabriel’s books are free online.