“So what we eat is a killed deity. What you eat is God – Jesus, who gave his life that we might live. That’s the sense of all these mysteries; our life lives on life. The goal of the mystery is not to withhold the food that you are from the mouths that are waiting to consume you, but to welcome the consummation.” Joseph Campbell

To grow a spiritual ladder upon which to climb out of the darkness and into the light, one must rarify the spirit through morality training and higher thoughts. At the same time, the physiological effects that accompany this transcendence are wondrous. In anthroposophy, the process by which the spiritual journey is expressed within our body is known as the etherization of the blood, or the earthly and cosmic nutrition stream.

Stigmata, revelation (apocalypse), possession, and hauntings have much in common and are simply a matter of whether the person affected is accessing the Tree of Life or the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. There is much confusion regarding these matters because, until now, they have remained a secret of the mystery schools that draws the distinction between Christ and Ahriman.