When the Earth reached the mid-point of the galactic center, we decided to go north to where the spiritual community joins together each night as the crown of the aurora borealis spins around the north pole. The date December 21, 2012 was seen by many to mark the celebration of the middle point of the 25,920-year cycle called the Platonic Year, or the body of the Goddess. When the Earth reaches this galactic mid-point, every 12,960 years, or so, humans can take giant leaps in consciousness and the Earth itself can go through cataclysmic earth changes that accompany this great influx of cosmic energies.

Ultimately, Lucifer was totally alone. He had suffered so long that he barely knew his name or whether any of what he believed was true. He doubted everything about himself, and there was no one with him to remind him of his past glory. Lucifer now understood what it meant to be human, limited by a mortal body. Something died in his soul and he no longer desired to possess anything or gain any more knowledge. He desired nothing and felt as if all that he had experienced as a human was worth nothing. Total emptiness filled his soul.